The Negative Impact Of Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia affects millions of people and brings with it not only persistent pain but a whole host of additional issues as well. In addition to the aforementioned pain Fibromyalgia negatively impacts sleep patterns, memory, and mood. Sufferers of Fibromyalgia often report feeling a persistent and strong malaise. There is also muscle tenderness that persists even after a bout has subsided. Making matters worse for those with Fibromyalgia, they get little relief from the pain aside from any number of analgesics prescribed to them by a physician. The real problem here is that the medications simply attempt to mask symptoms and do nothing to treat the cause of Fibromyalgia. Moreover they all carry an array of side effects, some of which can make Fibromyalgia even more difficult to deal with.

An Alternative Treatment

Patients who’ve worked with physicians and want a more natural medication free healing solution for their Fibromyalgia can turn to an Upper Cervical Chiropractor. These Chiropractors specialize in the adjusting of the Atlas and Axis vertebra; these being located at the top of the neck. Through these gentle adjustments the vertebrate are moved back into their proper positioning. Once returned to their proper place any interference between the spinal column (central nervous system) and the brain is cleared up. Once these communications are restored the body’s natural ability to heal resumes at full force and the pain associated with Fibromyalgia disappear.

Upper Cervical Care requires no cracking, popping, twisting of the spine, and best of all…no medication. Instead your Chiropractor will use his/her hands to move the Atlas and Axis vertebra back into place over the course of several visits. With regular visits patients can keep the causes of Fibromyalgia related pain at bay and resume living a productive and active life.

Getting Started

If you are suffering from Fibromyalgia and are unsatisfied with the treatments you’ve received from a physician or if you’ve never received care for the problem getting started is easy. Simply contact an Upper Cervical Chiropractor and schedule an appointment. During your initial visit your Walnut Creek Chiropractor will utilize specialized 3D imaging to determine whether or not your Atlas and Axis vertebra are to blame for your pain. Once that has been established treatments can begin and many patients see an immediate reduction in pain.

Schedule an Appointment or a Free Consultation

Call us at (925) 357-3080 or click on the button below to schedule an appointment or a free consultation.

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