Depression And Neck Trauma

Walnut Creek ChiropractorDepression is a mental illness that affects millions of people each year. Symptoms of depression include persistent and long term feelings of hopelessness, despair, and emptiness. Depression can occur in episodes, as in cases of manic depression, or may be chronic without any period of relief. Moreover, depression negatively impacts the lives of sufferers in a number of alarming and unsettling ways. Those impacted by depression may be unable to hold a job, maintain relationships, nor address simple daily tasks. Depression not only affects those whom suffer from the illness but their families are often negatively impacted as well.

Pinpointing the cause of depression is often difficult in patients though Walnut Creek Chiropractors have been able to establish that the illness is sometimes the result of injury or trauma to the vertebra of the neck. When the Atlas and Axis vertebra are moved or forced out of alignment this muddles communications between the brain and the central nervous system. There are many symptoms associated with misaligned C1 and C2 vertebra and depression is but one of many. Those whom suffer from depression as a result of misaligned vertebra may also experience physical pain along with their depression as well.

Seeking Help For Depression

Many persons whom seek help with their depression will visit a traditional medical doctor and/or a psychiatrist. While the talk therapy and medications prescribed by doctors can help control the symptoms of depression, patients often need additional help. Those with depression who find that therapy and medication aren’t enough can seek out the help of a Chiropractor. Chiropractors work to restore health by focusing treatments on the neck and back. Through this focus brain function is restored and the central nervous system can operate at maximum efficiency.

With depression being so difficult to manage and even cure, many sufferers will find themselves frustrated. Seeing both a traditional doctor and a Chiropractor is often exactly what those with depression need. While medications and therapy work to stymie the symptoms of depression, Upper Cervical Care treatments address the cause directly. A Chiropractor specializing in Upper Cervical Care is one whom utilizes gentle adjustment techniques meant to move the aforementioned Axis and Atlas vertebra back into their proper positions. The treatment involves no cracking, popping, twisting, or harsh movements of any kind. It’s also highly effective with many patients reporting an immediate improvement in mood and the ability to navigate through their day. Regular visits with an Upper Cervical Care specialist will see a restoration of clear communications between the spine and the brain which can lead to further alleviation of depression symptoms as well as any pain that patients might be experiencing.

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