Poor Posture

Fixing Your Poor Posture with Upper Cervical Chiropractic

What is Poor Posture? Postural dysfunction, more commonly known as poor posture, is when the spine is held in an unnatural, unhealthy position. There are several reasons one might have poor posture, but most often it's caused by bad habits like slouching or hanging the head forward for long periods while using technology devices. [...]

Fixing Your Poor Posture with Upper Cervical Chiropractic2022-09-12T20:52:55+00:00

Have You Ever Been Told Your Spine Is Too Straight?

Being told that your spine is "too straight" might come as a shock to some people but it's actually quite a common occurrence. Normal necks/spines maintain a reverse C shaped curve. Necks that have endured trauma or sustained injury however may become overly straight as the body attempts to compensate for the damage its received. [...]

Have You Ever Been Told Your Spine Is Too Straight?2022-09-23T18:59:26+00:00

What is the Proper Headrest Position for your Car Seat?

The truth is that there is a proper position for the headrest that can increase your safety when riding in a car. The problem is that most people (including car dealers) don’t know what this position is, and therefore people are not properly fitted to their headrests when purchasing a new car. Before I [...]

What is the Proper Headrest Position for your Car Seat?2022-09-23T00:05:22+00:00

Posture: A Window to Health

As a Walnut Creek Chiropractor I know a good deal about posture. Posture is a window to spinal alignment and body balance. Our body functions at full capacity when we are in balance.  Therefore, structural integrity dictates how our body functions on every level. Benefits of Good Posture: Improves breathing capacity Improves brain function [...]

Posture: A Window to Health2022-09-23T00:04:39+00:00