The Blair Chiropractic Technique Can Alleviate Shoulder Pain

What is Shoulder Pain?

Shoulder pain is a common condition that most people will have from one time to another. It’s not surprising, considering how complex the shoulder is. This large joint connects the arm to the torso, with bones, muscles, and ligaments that work in harmony to give the arm mobility and strength. An injury or accident that causes damage to any of the parts of the shoulder or surrounding area may result in pain to varying degrees. Because of the complexity of this joint, it can be difficult to diagnose or treat.

Signs and Symptoms of Shoulder Pain

Shoulder pain may present as a dull ache, soreness, or as sharp pain. In some cases, pain may be accompanied by a pins and needles sensation in the shoulder, which may radiate down the arm or into the back.

Sometimes shoulder pain can affect the arm’s range of motion and/or strength, making it difficult to raise one’s arm, carry objects, or go about one’s day-to-day chores. Shoulder pain not only makes it difficult to do things when awake but can also make it difficult to sleep, as minor arm movements can cause pains that wake you repeatedly during the night.

The less you move your arm due to shoulder pain, the more you are at risk for developing adhesive capsulitis (frozen shoulder), which in severe cases may require surgery to treat.

How the Upper Cervical Spine Affects Shoulder Pain

The upper cervical spine may be the root cause of shoulder pain. This part of the spine consists of the seven uppermost vertebrae, which begin under the skull and go down through the neck. This is an area vulnerable to jolts or injuries that may cause a misalignment of the vertebrae. This causes imbalances in the posture as you unconsciously try to compensate for the misalignment, creating undue stress and pressure on surrounding areas. When this happens, it may cause inflammation and weakening of the muscles or compress the nerves running into the shoulder.

How Our Shoulder Pain Treatment Works

Dr. Noah Kaplan specializes in the Blair Chiropractic Technique, a modern technique focusing on the health of the upper cervical spine. The doctor is Board Certified in the Blair technique and is a member of the Blair Chiropractic Society. If the upper cervical spine is misaligned and causing your shoulder pain, Dr. Kaplan can help you get to the root of the problem.

Treatment at Dr. Kaplan’s office begins with an examination of the upper cervical spine with advanced technology diagnostic imaging tools. Instead of X-Rays, the doctor and his team use 3D scans to pinpoint areas of concern so that he can address the precise misalignments.

The doctor uses gentle, low-force methods to correct the misaligned vertebrae and return the body to a natural, healthy, aligned state. Only when the misalignment is corrected can the body truly begin to heal and restore good health. The Blair technique offers a non-invasive, drug-free treatment.

Dr. Kaplan is the owner of Advance Upper Cervical Chiropractic in Walnut Creek, and services Pleasant Hill, Concord, Lafayette, Danville, San Ramon, Dublin, Pleasanton, and Livermore.

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