
    State Of The Art 3D Imaging

    Upper Cervical Care is a treatment performed by specialized Chiropractors. The goal of this treatment is to realign the Atlas and Axis vertebra within the neck. These realignments clear communications between the brain and the central nervous system which in turn allows the body's natural healing abilities to function at optimal levels. Through Upper Cervical [...]

    State Of The Art 3D Imaging2022-09-23T18:55:38+00:00

      Depression And Neck Trauma

      Depression is a mental illness that affects millions of people each year. Symptoms of depression include persistent and long term feelings of hopelessness, despair, and emptiness. Depression can occur in episodes, as in cases of manic depression, or may be chronic without any period of relief. Moreover, depression negatively impacts the lives of sufferers in [...]

      Depression And Neck Trauma2022-09-23T18:54:49+00:00

        The Negative Impact Of Fibromyalgia

        Fibromyalgia affects millions of people and brings with it not only persistent pain but a whole host of additional issues as well. In addition to the aforementioned pain Fibromyalgia negatively impacts sleep patterns, memory, and mood. Sufferers of Fibromyalgia often report feeling a persistent and strong malaise. There is also muscle tenderness that persists even [...]

        The Negative Impact Of Fibromyalgia2022-09-23T18:54:09+00:00

          Sinusitis Relief

          Sinusitis is a condition in which the cavities around the nasal passages becomes inflamed. Sinusitis can occur as a secondary infection alongside a cold or flu but often times it appears alone and seemingly for no reason. In Sinusitis bacteria and viruses gather and multiply in the sinus cavities which prompts an immune response. This [...]

          Sinusitis Relief2022-09-23T18:52:56+00:00

            Stenosis and Pinched Nerves

            If you have ever had a pinched nerve or formally been diagnosed with stenosis, than you know the serious nature of the symptoms. Pain, tingling, and numbness can radiate down a specific nerve, creating consistent and repeatable suffering. The purpose of this blog post is to educate what it is, which types are most [...]

            Stenosis and Pinched Nerves2022-09-23T18:52:25+00:00

              Arthritis Of The Spine

              Arthritis is painful inflammation and stiffness in the joints. Arthritis can occur at nearly any age but is found more commonly in people over 50 as well as those whom use their bodies a great deal. Arthritis can occur anywhere in the body and while many people will seek out traditional medical solutions, doctors [...]

              Arthritis Of The Spine2022-09-23T18:51:42+00:00

                What is a Concussion?

                Concussions are far more prevalent in our communities than you may think. There are more than 3 million diagnosed cases of concussion in the United States each year (1). That statistic is incredibly powerful as it naturally allows the mind to wonder how many concussions are also going undiagnosed each year. A concussion is [...]

                What is a Concussion?2022-09-23T18:37:55+00:00

                  Upper Cervical Care: Cost Efficient And Effective

                  Living in pain reduces not only quality of physical life but it also negatively impacts our psyches and can lead to depression. Those who live with persistent pain will eventually seek out medical help in the hopes of even the slightest amount of relief. What many discover however is that medical doctors are quick [...]

                  Upper Cervical Care: Cost Efficient And Effective2022-09-23T18:36:48+00:00

                  Spinal Growth And Health In Children

                  It's a little known fact throughout our lives our spines comprise 40% of our entire length/height. At birth a baby's spine is, on average, just 9.6 inches long. In our first year of life, our spinal columns grow another 50% and by age five our spines will have grown roughly another 20 inches. From [...]

                  Spinal Growth And Health In Children2022-09-23T19:48:19+00:00