Arthritis Of The Spine

Arthritis is painful inflammation and stiffness in the joints. Arthritis can occur at nearly any age but is found more commonly in people over 50 as well as those whom use their bodies a great deal. Arthritis can occur anywhere in the body and while many people will seek out traditional medical solutions, doctors don’t actually do anything but help mask the pain associated with arthritis. They do not ever treat the cause of the pain nor try to eliminate arthritis from the body. Moreover taking a regiment of pain medications in order to minimize symptoms can be quite expensive and it’s damaging to the liver and kidneys as well.

Although there are many causes of Arthritis, it is often a symptom of a larger problem. Spinal Arthritis is a condition that often inflicts other parts of the body with pain and additional arthritis. Common symptoms of spinal Arthritis include neck and ear pain, numbness in the limbs and extremities, headaches, and overall sub par health. Many patients suffering from spinal arthritis also report fatigue and a general malaise that keeps them from being as productive as they’d like to be. The battle against Arthritis might seem unwinnable but sufferers of Arthritis can turn to Chiropractors for both a natural healing solution and one that addresses directly the cause of their Arthritis/pain.

A Natural Healing Solution

When the spine is unhealthy, communication between the central nervous system and the brain are muddled and slowed. The result off this is the physical manifestation of pain throughout the body. Arthritis is especially crippling because it adds inflammation to the mix which serves only to cause additional and a greater degree of pain. Chiropractors won’t simply treat a patient’s pain but will seek to eliminate it by eliminating its cause. In the case of spinal Arthritis, the misalignment of the C1 and C2 vertebras are almost always to blame. When the upper neck is misaligned, whether it’s from a physical trauma such as a car accident, or repetitive trauma like sitting at a computer, arthritis is often the result.

Individuals suffering from spinal arthritis can elect to visit a Chiropractor when they want an alternative to taking medication with limited results and when they want a more permanent solution. Upper Cervical Care is a specialized protocol of correcting the alignment of the C1 and C2 vertebra and stabilizing their proper position within the head & neck. These vertebra are often the cause for arthritis of the spine and when they are put back into their proper positions, the symptoms of arthritis and pain often diminish significantly. So effective is Upper Cervical Care that many patients report a dramatic reduction is pain after only a few visits. With regular care from a Chiropractor, individuals can return to pain free living as the body’s natural ability to heal is restored.

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