
Top 5 Reasons to Avoid the Flu Shot

5. It is illogical.  The flu shot contains a ‘best-guess’ of the appropriate flu strain for a particular year.  However, the flu virus is always morphing into new strains throughout a particular season.  Therefore, ‘immunity’ to one strain does not provide immunity to the flu virus. 4. It is ineffective.  Have you ever heard [...]

Top 5 Reasons to Avoid the Flu Shot2022-09-22T23:55:02+00:00

The ’55 Workout’

Here is a great, simple workout that you can do in about 10 minutes and at home.  Choose 2 functional exercises and make sure you have appropriate space and equipment.  For the purpose of this example, I will use the squat and the push-up. Here is how it works:  Perform 1 squat, immediately followed [...]

The ’55 Workout’2022-09-22T23:50:26+00:00