
Scoliosis In Children

Scoliosis is the lateral deviation of the spine. This condition affects people of all ages but is seen in children more than any other age group. Studies show that 4% of children ages 10-14 are afflicted with treatable Scoliosis. Within that small group of affected children it has been estimated that 60%-80% are girls. [...]

Scoliosis In Children2022-09-06T19:16:09+00:00

Scoliosis Walnut Creek California

Scoliosis Walnut Creek California Scoliosis is a lateral curvature of the spine that usually presents in adolescence, 10 to 16-year-olds are one of the most common group to present with scoliosis and have it progress. Common symptoms of scoliosis include: Prolonged sitting or standing leading to low back muscle fatigue Low back pain Neck Pain [...]

Scoliosis Walnut Creek California2022-09-06T19:18:33+00:00