Tips for Coping with Trigeminal Neuralgia

Trigeminal Neuralgia (TN) is a neurological disorder that causes recurring bouts of excruciating pain. Symptoms include brief but severe attacks of shooting pain throughout the face, jaw, teeth, gums, or eyes. TN is cited by neurologists as one of the most painful conditions a person can have, and every year some 150,000 people are diagnosed with it. 

The trigeminal nerve branches out from the brainstem and wraps around the sides of the head, then branches off into the face. Doctors aren’t exactly sure what causes TN, but they suspect it involves the trigeminal nerve being irritated or damaged. 

There is no cure at this time for TN, but if you are suffering from this debilitating condition, here are some things you can do. 

1) Avoid Triggers

Many people with TN find that certain triggers set off attacks. Some triggers may include cold beverages, chewing hard foods, spicy foods, or cold wind on the face. Learn your triggers so that you can avoid them whenever possible.  

2) Take Care of Your Body

TN can be hard enough to deal with if everything else is perfect; unfortunately, life doesn’t work like that. Some problems may be out of your control, but one thing that is in your control is your overall health. Getting enough sleep, eating a healthy diet, and regular exercise can keep you in good shape. A healthy lifestyle puts you in good condition to deal with the stress that TN can cause. 

3) Take Care of Your Mind

Sufferers of TN can develop mental health issues like anxiety and depression due to their condition. Even when they are not experiencing bouts of pain, knowing that an attack can strike at any time keeps a person on edge. If TN is getting you down, it may help to look for a counselor or support group. At the very least, it’s a good time to find a friend or family member on whom you can lean when you are feeling down. 

4) Seek Alternative Treatments

Some alternative treatments can benefit sufferers of TN. Even if alternative treatments don’t cure the condition or reduce the number of attacks a person experiences, they may help soothe a person between attacks and improve one’s quality of life. 

Some alternative treatments are showing promise in helping to alleviate TN, such as upper cervical care. 

How We Can Help with Trigeminal Neuralgia

The upper cervical spine consists of the uppermost vertebrae that begin at the base of the skull, right near the brainstem. These vertebrae are prone to misalignments due to jolts, injuries, poor posture, or natural aging. Misalignments may cause inflammation and swelling that pinches or compressed nerves. If this is the root cause of a person’s TN, upper cervical care may help. 

Dr. Noah Kaplan of Advanced Upper Cervical Chiropractic in Walnut Creek is a specialist in treating the upper cervical spine. The doctor is an expert in the Blair Chiropractic Technique and a certified member of the Blair Chiropractic Society.

The Blair Chiropractic Technique differs from traditional chiropractic methods in several ways. Traditional chiropractors use 2D X-rays, which only give them a sense of the problem. Corrections are largely based on educated guesses and involve jarring twists and snaps. Patients are expected to return frequently for treatments so that the spine can be properly aligned.

Blair specialists utilize advanced 3D diagnostic imaging tools to accurately visualize and calculate spinal subluxations. This allows them to make corrections by using low-force pressure in more precise locations. This results in less guesswork, and alignments tend to hold better and longer. Because of this, there are fewer follow-up treatments.

Dr. Kaplan is the only office in the entire East Bay area to utilize Cone Beam computed tomography (CBCT) in treating patients. If you are suffering from TN, call for a consultation today. Located in Walnut Creek, California, Dr. Kaplan also services Pleasant Hill, Concord, Lafayette, Danville, San Ramon, Dublin, Pleasanton, and Livermore.

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