Poor Posture in Kids: A Gentle, Precise, and Effective Treatment Method

What is Poor Posture In Kids?

Poor posture is an umbrella term for a wide range of bodily alignment issues. These issues can include anything from an inward curvature along the spine to an excessive forward tilt of the head. 

While many people think that poor posture is simply the result of slouching, it can actually be caused by a variety of different factors. Common causes of poor posture in kids include a sedentary lifestyle, excessive use of electronic devices, poor sleeping habits, and injury to the upper cervical spine.  

Signs and Symptoms of Poor Posture in Kids

Poor posture is associated with an assortment of negative physical and psychological impacts. In kids, it can cause pain in the lower back, neck, and arms, and can interfere with the child’s ability to learn and play. If you want to prevent poor posture from interfering with your child’s development, early detection is key. Look out for the following signs and symptoms in your child: rounded shoulders, a forward head tilt, increased upper back curvature, and complaints of frequent headaches, neck pain, or shoulder pain.

How the Upper Cervical Spine Affects Poor Posture In Kids

The upper cervical spine is the topmost segment of the spine and is made up of seven vertebrae. Because of its position at the top of the spinal column, the upper cervical spine plays a key role supporting the head and neck. As a result, improper alignment of these vertebrae can lead to the development of serious muscle imbalances in the neck, upper back, and lower back. Left untreated, these imbalances can underpin a variety of postural defects, including rounded shoulders, straight neck, hunching of the lower back, and forward tilt of the head carriage.

How Our Treatment Works for Poor Posture In Kids 

In addition to having potentially severe health implications, poor posture can be a crippling condition for children. It can lead to social isolation and low self-esteem. Children with poor posture often feel self-conscious about their appearance and are reluctant to participate in physical activities. As a result, they can miss out on important opportunities to build their confidence and develop social skills. Fortunately, there are several simple, gentle, and effective treatments available to help children rebuild their posture.     

At Advance Upper Cervical Chiropractic, our expert chiropractor, Dr. Noah Kaplan, will work with your child to correct poor posture and help improve overall health and wellbeing. Dr. Kaplan’s approach to chiropractic care is based on the Blair Technique, a gentle and precise treatment method that is particularly well-suited for children. 

In order to pinpoint the source of your child’s poor posture, Dr. Kaplan will use a range of advanced 3D imaging technologies, including cone beam computed tomography, to scan your child’s upper cervical spine for vertebral misalignments. If a misalignment is detected, Dr. Kaplan will perform a series of Blair adjustments to help restore your child’s optimal spinal alignment. This type of adjustment is different from the more common cracking or popping adjustments that are often associated with chiropractic care. Instead, the Blair Technique uses gentle, low-force corrections to gently coax misaligned vertebra back into natural alignment.

If poor posture is preventing your child from doing the things they love, get in touch today to speak with Dr. Kaplan about the health of your upper cervical spine. Located in Walnut Creek, California, Dr. Kaplan also services Pleasant Hill, Concord, Lafayette, Danville, San Ramon, Dublin, Pleasanton, and Livermore.

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