Insomnia Can Be Treated with Upper Cervical Chiropractic

What is Insomnia?

Insomnia is a sleep disorder that makes it difficult to sleep. There is nothing worse than lying in bed at night, watching the minutes tick closer and closer to your morning alarm going off, knowing that you’re going to have another exhausted, miserable day. It’s no wonder that insomnia can increase depression and anxiety. 

There are many causes for insomnia, such as poor sleeping habits, stress, and misalignments of the spine. Thankfully, new research points to safe and natural treatments for insomnia that show promise in treating the condition so sufferers finally get a good night of rest. 

Signs and Symptoms of Insomnia

While insomnia is characterized by involuntary sleep deprivation, it generally presents itself in one of two ways. The first way is that sufferers simply have trouble falling asleep. By the time their exhaustion begins to overtake them, it’s too late to get in a full eight hours. 

Some sufferers have trouble staying asleep; they may wake up in the middle of the night frequently, or wake up and be unable to fall back asleep.  And, some people with insomnia have both problems—they can’t fall asleep, and even when they do, they can’t remain asleep. 

Either way, insomnia leaves people feeling tired and irritable during daytime hours. Insomniacs will usually have low energy, and feel weak or lethargic. A lack of sleep can contribute to “brain fog” and an inability to concentrate or remember things. They are at risk for mistakes and accidents when sleep-deprived. Stress, anxiety, and depression are also common for people with sleep disorders.

Sleep is an essential function that gives the brain and body time to repair themselves. Left untreated, insomnia can impose significant health risks. People with insomnia are more at risk of high blood pressure, high cholesterol, liver problems, heart disease, or diabetes. 

How the Upper Cervical Spine Affects Insomnia

You may not realize it, but the underlying cause of insomnia may be in your upper cervical spine. This part of the spine is made up of the uppermost seven vertebrae. These vertebrae begin just below the skull, right near where the brainstem connects to the spinal cord. 

When the upper cervical spine is misaligned, it causes inflammation and swelling that may compress nerves and disrupt the flow of signals in the central nervous system. This can wreak havoc with all of the body’s essential systems, including the release of hormones that regulate sleep. 

How Our Insomnia Treatment Works

Healthcare providers often prescribe sleep aids to help with insomnia. These medications may or may not work, and often have unpleasant side effects. Another option is to correct the root cause of the problem by going to an upper cervical care specialist. When the upper cervical spine is properly aligned, it resumes its natural functions and restores the body’s sleep/wake cycles. 

Dr. Noah Kaplan is among the most elite Upper Cervical Chiropractors in Northern California. Dr. Kaplan is a board-certified member of the Blair Chiropractic Society and an expert in the Blair Chiropractic technique. This technique focuses on the upper cervical spine, using modern technology and low-force pressure to correct misalignments. 

Dr. Kaplan is the only office in Walnut Creek and the entire East Bay area offering Cone Beam computed tomography 3D imaging diagnostic tools. These are the most advanced tools to date, allowing the doctor to calculate upper cervical alignments in a revolutionary way. The doctor can then apply precise corrections with gentle pressure to coax the spine back into proper alignment. 

Don’t let another night of insomnia rob you of having a beautiful, productive day. Contact Dr. Kaplan for more information. Located in Walnut Creek, California, Dr. Kaplan also services Pleasant Hill, Concord, Lafayette, Danville, San Ramon, Dublin, Pleasanton, and Livermore.

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