Immune System Deficiency: Upper Cervical Chiropractic Can Help

What is Immune System Deficiency?

The immune system is the body’s defense system against germs and disease. When the immune system is compromised, the body may struggle to fight off diseases and infections. A weak immune system could lead to longer illnesses with more severe symptoms and more complications. This is why a healthy, strong immune system is so important.

Immune system deficiency can stem from several different issues, such as genetics, illnesses, malnutrition, certain medicines, and medical therapies. Modern research also shows that there is a strong link between the health of the nervous system and the immune system.

Signs and Symptoms of Immune System Deficiency

The signs and symptoms people with immune system deficiencies will experience vary from person to person, depending upon the cause and severity of the problem. In general, however, people with weak immune systems will notice they get sick from colds and flu more often and more easily than people with healthy immune systems. They may find their sickness is more severe with slower recovery. They may experience lethargy and weakness when ill.

In addition, people with immune system deficiencies may notice that their wounds heal very slowly and are more prone to infections. They are also more likely to suffer from gut health issues and experience diarrhea and bloating.

How the Upper Cervical Spine Affects Immune System Deficiency

When you’re worried about your immune system’s health, you probably aren’t thinking that the trouble may stem from your upper cervical spine. The truth is that there is a vital relationship between the nervous system and the immune system.

The upper cervical spine is made up of the top seven vertebrae of the spine. They begin at the base of the skull, just below the brainstem, and protect the clusters of nerves running down the spinal cord in the neck. Some of these nerves send signals to and from the brain that regulate the immune system.

A misalignment of the upper cervical spine may compress or damage nerves, disrupting the flow of signals and interfering with chemical reactions essential in the immune response to illness.

How Our Immune System Deficiency Treatment Works

Dr. Noah Kaplan is a board-certified specialist in the Blair Chiropractic technique and a member of the Blair Chiropractic Society. This chiropractic technique focuses on treating the health of the upper cervical spine.

The upper cervical spine is a vulnerable area of the body, and it doesn’t take very large jolts or injuries to cause misalignment. Dr. Kaplan owns Advance Upper Cervical Chiropractic in Walnut Creek and is the only office in the East Bay area to utilize advanced 3D diagnostic imaging tools that revolutionize chiropractic practice. These tools allow the doctor and his team to accurately measure and assess spinal misalignments, eliminating the guesswork.

Once diagnosed, the misalignments are adjusted through precise, low-force pressure for a safe, effective, non-invasive treatment. Once in its proper state of alignment, the body’s natural healing processes can begin, contributing to a stronger, more efficient immune system.

If you’re worried about your immune system’s health, call Dr. Kaplan for a consultation. Located in Walnut Creek, California, Dr. Kaplan also services Pleasant Hill, Concord, Lafayette, Danville, San Ramon, Dublin, Pleasanton, and Livermore.

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