If You Are Suffering from Sciatica in Walnut Creek, We Are Here To Help

What is Sciatica?

The sciatic nerve is the largest nerve in the body, going from the base of the spine, through the buttocks, down the leg, and into the feet. This important nerve controls the muscles of the buttocks, hips, and thighs. 

Sciatica is a painful condition characterized by irritation of the sciatic nerve. This pain can be frustrating to live with even when it is mild; as it gets more severe, it can be downright debilitating. 

Up until recently, there have been few options for treating sciatica. Doctors may prescribe pain medication until the condition becomes so debilitating that they would recommend invasive surgery. Thankfully, new research on the upper cervical spine has shed light on a more effective, safer, natural treatment for sciatica. 

Signs and Symptoms of Sciatica

Sciatic nerve pain generally begins in the lower back at the base of the spine. It may feel like a dull ache, a burning sensation, or a tingly mild numbness. Pain may radiate into the hips or up the back.

As the condition degenerates and the nerve becomes more damaged, the pain will travel down the buttocks, legs, and all the way into the feet. It may start feeling sharper. Since the sciatic nerve is responsible for the movement of the lower limbs, the pain can impair the mobility as it weakens the legs. 

Sciatic pain can be aggravated by sitting, standing, or walking—in other words, there can be little escape from the discomfort. 

How the Upper Cervical Spine Affects Sciatica

It may surprise you to consider that the source of your buttock and leg pain lies at the top of your spine, but research suggests that this may be the case for many sciatica sufferers. The upper cervical spine runs from the base of the skull, through the neck, and into the upper back. It is the most vulnerable part of the spine, easily knocked out of alignment by an impact to the head, a car accident, or even poor posture. 

The upper cervical spine helps carry the weight of the head and allows head and neck movement. When there is even a minor misalignment, we unconsciously shift our body position to compensate so the head can be held up. That minor shift puts undue stress on nerves, muscles, ligaments, joints, and bones going all the way down the body. 

This part of the spine also protects many nerve clusters traveling down from the brain stem into the spinal cord. Any misalignments or excessive pressure points through the spinal cord can cause inflammation, swelling, pinching, or compression of nerves. This can result in conditions like sciatica. Without treatment, it can lead to permanent nerve damage. 

How Our Sciatica Treatment In Walnut Creek Works

To treat sciatic nerve pain, we focus on treating the root cause of the problem by focusing on the health of the upper cervical spine. When this part of the spine is brought back into correct alignment, it has a domino effect down the rest of the body—it alleviates the pressure and inflammation that affects the nerves, allowing the body’s natural health processes to repair the damage. 

Owner of Advance Upper Cervical Chiropractic in Walnut Creek, Dr. Noah Kaplan, is an upper cervical specialist in the Blair Chiropractic Technique. The Blair technique involves high-level technology to calculate exact measurements of the spine and low-level pressure to gently make corrections. 

Dr. Kaplan’s office in Walnut Creek is the only office in the entire East Bay area utilizing Cone Beam computed tomography (CBCT), a state-of-the-art 3D diagnostic imaging tool that has revolutionized chiropractic medicine. With advanced scanning technology, the doctor can pinpoint areas of concern for more precise corrections that hold longer. Corrections can then be made using a gentler touch and minimal force.

Upper cervical care can provide you with a non-invasive, drug-free, safe, and effective treatment for sciatica. Don’t let sciatic nerve pain get the best of you; contact Dr. Kaplan for a consultation. Our office is located in Walnut Creek, California, Dr. Kaplan also services Pleasant Hill, Concord, Lafayette, Danville, San Ramon, Dublin, Pleasanton, and Livermore.

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