Fixing Your Poor Posture with Upper Cervical Chiropractic

What is Poor Posture?

Postural dysfunction, more commonly known as poor posture, is when the spine is held in an unnatural, unhealthy position. There are several reasons one might have poor posture, but most often it’s caused by bad habits like slouching or hanging the head forward for long periods while using technology devices. Inactivity and muscle weakness can also cause postural problems.

When the posture is incorrect, this may cause points of pressure and stress on different vertebrae, muscles, joints, or ligaments. As time goes on this can lead to pain, discomfort, mobility issues, or a variety of health problems.

Signs and Symptoms of Poor Posture

Poor posture in a person can usually be observed; a person with postural defects may slouch, stoop, or have a rounded neck and/or shoulders. The head may lean too far forward, or the knees may bend when standing or walking. Pot bellies are also commonly associated with poor posture.

People with poor posture can experience a wide range of symptoms from head to toe. Most commonly, they will complain of back aches, stiff back, lower back pain, and pain in the shoulders and/or neck. Many people suffer from chronic pain, varying in degree, due to poor posture. For some people, poor posture causes headaches, balance problems, breathing difficulties, or digestive problems.

In time, poor posture can cause more serious conditions, such as vertebrae compression, herniated discs, or arthritis.

How the Upper Cervical Spine Affects Poor Posture

The upper cervical spine has a difficult job. These uppermost seven vertebrae run from the base of the skull and through the neck. Its job is to protect the upper spine, stabilize the skull, hold up the weight of the head, and the top two vertebrae are responsible for the movement of the head.

This is a vulnerable area prone to accidents and injuries. Jolts to the head and neck from car accidents or rough sports, straining the head to lean over a computer, or phone, or hunching over a desk for long periods can cause the vertebrae to move out of proper alignment. This sends a cascade of problems throughout the body, causing problems like tissue inflammation, pinched nerves, or tense muscles. In addition, a misaligned upper cervical spine can disrupt the nerve signals between the brain and the spinal cord, which are essential in running all of the body’s vital systems.

How Our Poor Posture Treatment Works

The upper cervical spine is an area that requires expertise for proper treatment, and that’s where Dr. Noah Kaplan can help. Dr. Kaplan is among the elite upper cervical practitioners of Northern California, and he owns the only chiropractic office that utilizes state-of-the-art cone beam computerized tomography (CBCT) to diagnose problems with advanced 3D imaging technology.

Dr. Kaplan uses the Blair Chiropractic Technique, a modern method for gentle, non-invasive, low-pressure corrections of the upper cervical spine. As a member of the Blair Chiropractic Society, the doctor specializes in this technique to help realign vertebrae causing poor posture in a safe, effective manner. Once the spine is properly aligned and the patient has some relief, the body’s natural healing processes can function properly to put the patient back on the road to good health.

If you are suffering from complications due to poor posture, call Dr. Kaplan for a consultation. Located in Walnut Creek, California, Dr. Kaplan also services Pleasant Hill, Concord, Lafayette, Danville, San Ramon, Dublin, Pleasanton, and Livermore.

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Call us at (925) 357-3080 or click on the button below to schedule an appointment or a free consultation.

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