Can Upper Cervical Chiropractic Help with Tinnitus?

What is Tinnitus?

Tinnitus is an affliction that causes a persistent sound in one or both of the ears. This sound is not external; rather, it is coming from inside the ear, and the patient is the only one who hears it. Tinnitus may not be life-threatening, but it can be an unbelievably uncomfortable condition that interferes with a person’s ability to hear, rest, work, or go about his or her daily activities.

Signs and Symptoms of Tinnitus

People suffering from tinnitus will hear a noise deep in the ear. This noise may sound like a ringing, buzzing, humming, roaring, whistling, or high-pitched whine. For some, the noises are intermittent; for others, they are constant and may go on indefinitely. Sometimes the noises are soft, but for some people, the noise can be loud and drown out the external sounds of people talking and things going on around them.

In addition to noise, some people with tinnitus may experience a feeling of fullness or pressure deep within the ear canal.

Tinnitus can be caused by an inner-ear blockage, damage that comes from exposure to loud noises, jaw problems, or is sometimes part of hearing loss that comes with old age.                                        

How the Upper Cervical Spine Affects Tinnitus

The upper cervical spine is located in the neck, just below the base of the skull. This part of the spine supports and stabilizes the skull, close to the inner ear. The inner ear has tiny eustachian tubes which regulate ear pressure, and craniofacial nerves which transmit signals between the nerves and the brain. These signals are for regulating our sense of hearing and balance.

When the upper cervical spine is misaligned, it can lead to inflammation, swelling, muscle strains, and poor circulation near the inner ear. This can interfere with the functioning of the eustachian tubes and the craniofacial nerves, which may result in inner ear disorders like tinnitus. 

How our Tinnitus Treatment Works

Dr. Noah Kaplan, the owner of Advanced Upper Cervical Chiropractic, is an elite chiropractor in Northern California. He is a Board Certified member of the Blair Chiropractic Society and specializes in the Blair Chiropractic Technique. The Blair Technique focuses on the upper cervical spine, particularly the C1 and C2 vertebrae—the top two vertebrae of the neck closest to the inner ear.

Dr. Kaplan’s office is the only office in the entire East Bay area that uses 3D state-of-the-art imaging technology to view and compute upper cervical spine alignment. These revolutionary diagnostic tools allow the doctor to pinpoint misalignments so that he can precisely and effectively correct misalignments. 

Dr. Kaplan understands the key role that the upper cervical spine plays in treating tinnitus and a host of other health conditions that affect one’s overall health and wellness. This area is the seat of the Autonomic Nervous System, the system which regulates all of the body’s essential functions. 

If tinnitus is interfering with your enjoyment of life, contact Dr. Kaplan today to discuss the health of your upper cervical spine. Located in Walnut Creek, California, Dr. Kaplan also services Pleasant Hill, Concord, Lafayette, Danville, San Ramon, Dublin, Pleasanton, and Livermore.

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