Alleviating Cluster Headaches with Upper Cervical Chiropractic

What Are Cluster Headaches?

Cluster headaches are among the worst, most painful headaches a person can have. These types of headaches are brief and intense, and come in “clusters.” These clusters can come once every couple of days, every day, or several times per day for weeks. 

After a series of cluster headaches, the patient will go into a brief type of remission that lasts for a few months. The cluster headaches will then return, and the cycle repeats itself. 

The stress of living with cluster headaches can be as bad as the headaches themselves. Every few months, for weeks, you know the blinding pain is coming. It can interfere with your career, responsibilities, and ability to enjoy life. Finding an effective cluster headache treatment can give you back your life again.  

Signs and Symptoms of Cluster Headaches

As mentioned above, the most unique factor in cluster headaches is how they strike frequently for four to six weeks, and then disappear for six to twelve months at a time. These types of headaches are also characterized by the searing pain they cause. People suffering from cluster headaches often describe the pain as feeling like a hot poker was suddenly jabbed into one of their eyes. 

Cluster headaches are more likely to affect men between the ages of 20 and 40. During a cluster period, the patient may experience drooping or swelling eyelids, some congestion, and restlessness. The trauma of these painful headaches also contributes to stress, anxiety, and depression. 

How Does Upper Cervical Chiropractic Help Relieve Cluster Headaches?

The upper cervical spine is located just at the base of the skull, near the brain stem, and runs down into the upper back. When the vertebrae in this area are misaligned, it can pinch nerves, or cause inflammation and swelling that compresses nerves. The top two vertebrae, which make up the atlas (C1) and the axis (C2), are particularly vulnerable to the type of misalignments that result in cluster headaches. 

There are a lot of delicate nerve clusters running from the brain to the spinal column in this area. When the nerves are compressed, it impedes the flow of signals between the brain and spinal cord. These misfiring signals can contribute to many nerve conditions, including cluster headaches. 

How Our Treatment for Cluster Headaches Work

The Blair Chiropractic Technique is a modern method that focuses on the health and alignment of the upper cervical spine. Specialists in the Blair technique use advanced 3D imaging technology to allow for gentler yet more precise corrections, particularly of the all-important C1 and C2 bones. 

Once misalignments are corrected, it relieves the unnatural pressure on the nerves, allowing the brain signals to flow properly and the body to restore its healthy functions. 

Dr. Noah Kaplan is among the elite Blair Chiropractic Technique specialists in Walnut creek. Dr. Kaplan is a board-certified member of the Blair Chiropractic society, and the only office in the entire East Bay Area that utilizes Cone Beam computed tomography (CBCT). This state-of-the-art diagnostic scanner is a special type of X-RAY that allows the doctor to view the Cranio-Cervical Junction (CCJ) in three Dimensions (3-D). This allows him to make low-pressure corrections more accurately, which hold longer than with traditional chiropractic methods. 

Dr. Kaplan is at the forefront of the upper cervical care movement. As more research sheds light on numerous health issues, many problems are traced back to the health of the upper cervical spine. If you suffer from cluster headaches, please call so that we can help you. Dr. Kaplan also services Pleasant Hill, Concord, Lafayette, Danville, San Ramon, Dublin, Pleasanton, and Livermore.

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