ADD/ADHD And The Neck

Attention Deficit Disorder and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder are both chronic conditions that affects one’s ability to maintain focus, control impulses, and keep physical activity under control. Moreover both ADD and ADHD, more often than not, begin in childhood and continue well into adulthood. Left untreated those suffering from these conditions will experience trouble at school, struggle with relationships, have a difficult time at work, and may experience poorer health than those outside the ADD/ADHD bubble.

Living With ADD/ADHD

Some with ADD and ADHD will seek traditional medical help which employs both medication and talk therapy. While the aforementioned is all some patients need, more often than not those with these disorders need additional help in managing their ailments. In such cases a Chiropractor can provide much needed adjunct treatments. Working in conjunction with traditional medical treatments, Walnut Creek Chiropractors work to re-balance the nervous system and improve brain function through Upper Cervical Care.

In order to provide relief to those suffering from ADD and ADHD the causes of these disorders must be addressed directly. ADD and ADHD are neurological disorders that are mistakenly attributed to problems within the brain. In actuality, the cause of both disorders actually stem from issues with the vertebra within the neck which ultimately affect brain function.. These vertebra are dislocated through overuse, trauma, and injury which then leads to ADD and ADHD. Other symptoms of misaligned vertebra are various types of pain throughout the body and a general malaise. Unsurprisingly these often accompany ADD and ADHD and compound an already debilitating condition.

Treating ADD and ADHD

To properly address the symptoms of ADD and ADHD you’ll want to work with an Upper Cervical Care expert. These persons are Chiropractors whom specialize in the restoration and health maintenance of the C1 and C2 vertebra. These vertebra, more commonly known and the Axis and Atlas vertebra, cause problems when they are misaligned. Focused on natural healing without medication, these Chiropractors make gentle adjustments to the aforementioned vertebra until they are back in their proper positions. Upper Cervical Care along with traditional medical care can alleviate the symptoms of ADD and ADHD. While medication helps control symptoms of these disorders, Upper Cervical Care targets the cause directly so that patients can live happier healthier lives. Upper Cervical Care is so effective that a great number of patients report immediate and significant improvement in their ability to focus on tasks, self esteem, and overall health.

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