4 Benefits of Upper Cervical Chiropractic Care

Backaches, headaches, stiff necks, nerve pain—these are just a few complaints many people have in common. These problems are so prevalent that people think they’re just part of life. In time, these problems may get worse. People with chronic pain may find it harder to manage and live with the pain as time goes on. They give up more and more of the things they once enjoyed or needed to do: hobbies, pastimes, activities, chores, or even careers. 

In many cases, living with chronic pain isn’t necessary. Upper cervical care may be just the thing to relieve pain, improve mobility, and ease a variety of symptoms and conditions.

What Is the Upper Cervical Spine?

The upper cervical spine begins at the base of the skull and runs down the neck and into the upper back. The seven vertebrae that make up the upper cervical spine hold up the weight of the entire head. The top two vertebrae, known as the atlas and the axis, enable the head to swivel back and forth. The upper cervical spine protects the spine right where the brain stem connects to the rest of the spinal cord.

This part of the spine is prone to injuries. Subluxations may occur due to jolts, accidents, poor posture, sedentary lifestyles, degenerative disorders, or aging. Once there is a misalignment in this area of the spine it has a domino effect throughout the body. 

Misalignments can lead to pinched or compressed nerves, which disrupt the flow of signals between the brain and the body’s various systems. Inflammation and swelling around misalignments may compress vessels and pathways, interfering with blood flow or fluid drainage.

Making matters worse, to compensate for misalignment, you unconsciously shift your weight. This imbalance puts undue stress on various ligaments, muscles, and joints going all the way down the rest of the body. This can lead to more inflammation, more swelling, and more misalignments.  

Some of The Benefits of Upper Cervical Care

1) Relief from Chronic Pain

Depending on the condition, for many patients, at least some relief is immediate after upper cervical care. But that’s just the beginning. Once the spine is realigned, the body’s natural healing mechanisms are triggered. 

Following a realignment of the spine, the body continues to repair the damage—reducing inflammation, repairing nerves, and restoring the body’s proper functions. Upper cervical care puts patients on the road to better health and well-being. 

2) Drug-Free Treatments

All medications have side effects. Even popular over-the-counter medications when taken for extended periods put patients at risk for problems down the road, like liver or kidney damage. The worst part is that they don’t solve the problem—they just trick the brain so that the pain is ignored and goes undetected for a little while. 

Alternatively, upper cervical care offers drug-free treatment and real pain relief by getting to the root of the problem and correcting it. That way, the body can begin to heal. 

3)  Non-Invasive Methods

When people with chronic pain go to the doctor, there are usually a few options: live with it, take medication, or—with certain conditions—have surgery. Of course, no one wants to risk complications or suffer through recovery unless necessary. Not to mention, medical bills after surgery can be exorbitant—even if you have insurance. 

Besides being a cheaper alternative to surgery, chiropractic care is non-invasive, safe, and natural. 

4) Preventative Care

The earlier you get upper cervical care, the sooner your chiropractor can help nip problems in the bud and put you on the path to wellness. If you find upper cervical care has improved your condition, continued check-ups can prevent problems from returning or new issues from the beginning. 

But why wait? By taking initiative and adding upper cervical care to your regular healthcare regiment, you can prevent many health problems. 

How We Can Help With Upper Cervical Care

Dr. Noah Kaplan of Advance Upper Cervical Chiropractic in Walnut Creek is among the most elite Upper Cervical Chiropractors in Northern California. Dr. Kaplan is Board Certified in the Blair Chiropractic Technique and a member of the Blair Chiropractic Society. This technique utilizes advanced technology combined with gentle corrections to offer patients superior, individualized care.

Dr. Kaplan’s office is the only chiropractic office in the East Bay area to offer state-of-the-art 3D diagnostic imaging scans. This revolutionary technology allows the doctor to better calculate any misalignments so that corrections are more precise and gentle than they are with traditional chiropractic methods.

Get in touch with Dr. Kaplan about the health of your upper cervical spine. The doctor is located in Walnut Creek, California, and also services Pleasant Hill, Concord, Lafayette, Danville, San Ramon, Dublin, Pleasanton, and Livermore.

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